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When Your Spine Is In Line

You may have heard the words alignment, posture, stability and structure thrown around by your chiropractor but may not actually understand what he or she is referring to.

All of these words basically boil down to one concept:  equilibrium or in simple terms, balance.

How well our bodies and everything around us is in balance reflects the state and function it has. The state of equilibrium is when the cells, tissues, organs and systems in our bodies are in perfect synchronisation and we call this homeostasis.

A universal example of this is temperature. All living things were created to survive in a specific temperature. The human body for instance must maintain 37 degrees and a neutral acidity and alkalinity of pH near 7 to exist. Your lungs need you to inhale and exhale in a way that maintains balance within your respiratory system. With every up there is always a down – this is a universal principle that can be seen everywhere around us.

A harmonious relationship as a result of equilibrium reflects a healthy ecological balance.  Humans play a very crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance. With rising industrial and economic motives we are damaging the balance to our planet’s health but also our internal systems with  overbearing chemicals, daily stresses, and an unbalanced diet that weakens the body and throws us out of perfect equilibrium.

We as chiropractors strive to keep your spine in line, maintaining balance within your nerve system, that innovates and communicates to every cell of your body. When your spine is out of line,  it cannot adequately communicate with the master control centre that is your brain, which creates a disconnect which can lead to discomfort, tension, pain and weakness.

Most of the time, this can go unnoticed, as 80% of our nerve fibres are autonomic communicating with your organs and motor, communicating with your muscles, whereas only 20% are sensory- creating sensation.  This is important because most people visit a chiropractor when these pain alerts are going off in the body like a warning system. Whereas the more proactive approach is to keep everything in equilibrium to prevent and strengthen the bodies systems.

How can you move towards equilibrium?

Nurture your mind body and spirit

  • Meditate to calm the spirit that animates your body
  • Eat a balanced diet, this means lots of colour in your diet and don’t be afraid to change it up with different types of food
  • Move daily — all movements are good movements in creating positive brain habits
  • Get your spine regularly tuned up and in balance

Each year World Spine Day is held on October 16th to encourage spinal health by spreading awareness and  education on good spinal health habits.

This years focus is to love your spine. Because you only get one spine that gives you the amazing ability to move, adapt, heal and thrive.

With love,