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The Spine

By October 1, 2021October 8th, 2021Articles, Lifestyle, Posture Improvement

If you look at the spine in any sense of the word, it usually refers to a critical part of the construct that upholds the integrity of the structure. This is the same for our bodies.

During September, we said happy 126th lap around the sun to the birth of chiropractic and what it stands for. We treat the spine which entails everything that it connects to. It is the vital connection and protection for our central nervous system and allows innate intelligence to flow through us.

Our spine is important for so much more than just transfer of information and our structure. The discs allow shock absorbency, the muscle attachments facilitate for movements and the soft tissues create stretch and flow. Creating movement throughout your spine is responsible for around 90% of stimulation to brain function.

I have included below some of the best ways in which we can move and nourish our spine as the weather starts to get warmer.


Nothing beats a morning stretch. Wake up, touch your toes, turn your head in all planes of movement. Find the end range of your stretch, take a big breath in and stretch a little further.
Some key areas to stretch that we see get tight on lots of people is the Hip flexors, pec muscles, QL’s and traps. You can find stretches for these online or ask us about our favourites.


When muscles compensate for dysfunction in our bodies, we can weaken some of the accessory muscles that should be working just as hard for us. When we have muscles that weaken, they can result in postural changes to our bodies in our pelvis and in our head position.

Some important areas to strengthen are our glutes (all of them, there are 3 both sides!), our core (think dead-bugs and side planks) and our shoulder stabilisers.


The fluid in our spine that surrounds our cord and brain stem is called the cerbro-spinal fluid. We have around 120mls flowing in our bodies at any one time but produce up to 500ml each day. This supplies our brain with nutrition and allows for the removal of waste.

When we are dehydrated the discs in our spine also shrink causing a less shock-absorbing cushion. Your body needs roughly 1L of water for every 30kg body mass. Add an extra cup after each coffee/tea and 1L for each hour of exercise. Its always much more than you think.


Nourishing your spine in any form. Finding something that makes you feel good and yummy. If that is moving, walking, dancing, cooking, or taking a mindful moment. Fuelling your body with delicious constructive foods, water and sunshine. Making sure your body is in full alignment with your brain connecting the best it can with the rest of its being. Ensuring those healing, beneficial messages are carried through that spine to every inch of you.

– Tyler