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By September 1, 2021September 8th, 2021Articles, Lifestyle

Graduation is a time that most students look forward to. It’s a marker that signals the end of one   cycle and ushers in the beginning of the next. This week we are delighted to see both Tyler and Lauren walk across the stage and receive the official acknowledgement of all the hard work, late nights, hectic schedule of lectures, unexpected twists and turns of their journey to, and through,
University, to become a chiropractor that has led to this moment.

These caring and skilful ladies are such a gift to all of us at CCK and we are so happy to have them with us. We also know that the graduation is not the end. It is just a little stop along the way in which we can reflect on what it took to get to this point. Already Tyler and Lauren have dived into post graduate study to up their skills and standard of service even further.

No matter what our role is in life we all have our ‘graduating’ moments. We don’t have to be at school or Uni to experience the graduating rush. Whenever you have attained something that has presented you with a challenge and you have got beyond it you have every reason to celebrate your accomplishment.

To let you in a secret – we celebrate your graduations big time.

The very best part of our life at CCK is in seeing the amazing transformations (graduations) that take place with our practice members. At every team meeting we go through the Care Assessments that you fill out and we read your feedback. We also go around the room and share our observations and experiences of the wins and changes of those of you who have captured our attention during the past week or two.

We know that we are just touching on the tip of the iceberg and we do it as a reminder of the amazing power of the life which surges through you. When that life force is freed to do its work your body, mind and spirit expresses at a higher level. From the little miracles to the massive life transformations, every single one of these shifts is a significant graduation in both of our life’s journey.

As a team, our satisfaction is based on your satisfaction and we feel so privileged to be part of the continuous pops that occur as you evolve through your journey with us at CCK.

We thank you every day for the trust that you have in your body’s ability to naturally go to new levels as well as the trust that you have in us to guide you on this journey.

May your graduations be plentiful and joyful reminders of how amazing life is.
