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Factors that influence our energy levels

By July 1, 2021July 9th, 2021Articles, Lifestyle, Posture Improvement

People have different goals when it comes to their health but working towards having more energy seems to be a common theme. Most people are tired and rundown and looking for ways to improve their energy. We are very complex and diverse beings that generate energy entirely from within ourselves and require a variety of sources to keep our energy levels at an optimum.

The biggest enemy to our energy is stress. As Chiropractors, the biggest energy waster we see on a daily basis is sympathetic dominance. Sympathetic dominance is the emotional and/or physiological stress that leads to a wound-up state, often referred to as ‘fight or flight’. When you encounter a stressor, whether it is physical, chemical or emotional, a series of events occur in your brain. The command centre in the brain known as the hypothalamus sends a signal to your adrenal glands to release the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones force your body to stay wired and alert, increase your heartrate and send more blood into your muscles and organs. All these chemical changes have both short and long-term effects on almost every system in your body which makes it crucial for us to evaluate the stressors in our lives and understand which ones are consuming our energy.

There are a variety of factors that influence our energy levels including the following:

Mindset and Energy

The mind is a vast field of energy. From the moment we wake up till the moment we fall asleep we are using our mind and can mould the mind’s energy into positively orientated thoughts and energy. Like other cells in the body, your brain cells produce molecules which store energy and when this energy is re-leased it allows us to draw in amazing things. When we have a good mindset and lots of energy, we attract positivity into our lives.

Posture and Energy

Approximately 90% of the body’s total energy is used to maintain your body upright against gravity. Therefore, having poor posture places greater strain on your body and results in a greater energy consumption. When we practice good posture while sitting and standing, the pressure that is placed on the spine, muscles and ligaments is distributed evenly. Consequently, our physical and mental well-being improve and our energy increases.

Diet and Energy

Having a mixed and balance diet is fundamental to providing adequate energy. Make sure you eat for energy and ensure that you have adequate protein in your diet. Protein is an important macronutrient and is vital to ensuring our bodies can function properly with appropriate energy. Increase your water intake and avoid excessive stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol as they increase your body’s alert and wired state.

Movement and Energy

Ensuring we have and maintain adequate movement throughout the day provides us with energy. Not only does exercise allow you to sleep more soundly, it also gives your cells more energy to burn. Exercising can lead to increased brain dopamine levels which subsequently elevates your mood and increases your energy.

Sleep and Energy

One of the main reasons for low energy is overworking your body, whether it be socially or professionally. Sleep is just as critical to our body as other basic functions of survival such as eating and drinking, it is nutrition for your brain and is vital to conserve and restore energy.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, 100 years ago, less than 2% of the population slept six hours or less a night. Today, 30% of adults are sleeping six hours or less a night. Sleep not only affects you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and financially it also greatly affects you physically.

To improve your sleep, check your mattress and pillow, ensure they have good support and that your pillow is the correct height. Practice a good evening routine and maintain good function throughout your body. Getting checked regularly will allow your body to restore to a comfortable state and a more comfortable body has a much easier time falling and staying asleep.

At CCK, we care about the various stressors on your body and how much energy potential you have. All of the body systems run on energy and when they function properly, they provide you with an abundance of the energy and life with which you are naturally endowed.

Did you know that your nervous system controls every single cell, organ and tissue in your body? 45% of your nerves are dedicated to coordinating and controlling your muscles and another 45% of your nerves control the things you don’t think about such as digestion, breathing, immune function and your heart rate. When these areas don’t function properly, it can place added stressors to your body without you knowing!

So be mindful of the stressors in your life and increase your energy by; moving daily, eating good quality food, maintaining adequate sleep, drinking plenty of water, being mindful of your posture and getting checked regularly.

We only have limited time to enjoy ourselves on this planet and each one of us brings our own spark and unique energy. So, go and enjoy what life has to offer and make this July your most energetic one yet!

Love, Lauren x