With the latest uncertainty around Covid-19 its easy to feel helpless and fearful.
At Coast Chiropractic Kawana, we encourage and support a proactive approach to your health and strongly believe that a chiropractic lifestyle has an important role to play in the health and wellbeing of you, your family and our community.
Most people can relate to the idea of seeing a chiropractor to help with the relief of back pain and/or headaches and over the years we have done a pretty good job of promoting this.
The most exciting part of chiropractic for me however, goes well beyond back pain and headaches, it takes people on a journey of transforming not only their structural wellbeing but their chemical and emotional wellbeing, allowing individuals to live vibrant lives full of great health, energy and joy.
Living a chiropractic lifestyle is about making a conscious decision to work towards healthy living and wellness rather than being fearful and waiting for symptoms to arrive before taking action.
“While many professionals are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to suit the environment” B.J. Palmer
So how does all of this work and how can chiropractic care enhance your life?
Chances are if you are reading this article you have a spine – the protective casing of the most precious system in your body – your nervous system.
Everything we experience, express and perceive is processed through your nervous system with its role being to control and co-ordinate the function of every cell, tissue, muscle and organ in your body.
As chiropractors we acknowledge the bodies natural ability to grow, heal and adapt. This inbuilt intelligence is transmitted via the nervous system and needs no help. It just requires no interference.
It is therefore vitally important that you maintain optimal spinal alignment and function to keep your nervous system free of interference and YOUR BODY HEALTHY. This is what we are here for.
What can you do to be proactive with your health ??
1) Move Well
A) Chiropractic adjustments – help to normalize spinal mobility and restore the pathways between the brain and body enhancing your over all wellbeing.
B) Decrease physical trauma – Improve posture. Avoid repetitive activities and heavy awkward lifting that strains your body.
C) Increase movement – exercise, move regularly and raise your heart rate, strengthen postural muscles and core, get flexible.
“Move it and strengthen it or lose it”
2) Eat Well
A) Avoid ingesting, inhaling or absorbing harmful chemicals such as:
– chemical laden food
– pesticides, herbicides, artificial preservatives, colours and flavours.
– Allergen and intolerant foods
– Inflammatory foods – sugars, excessive alcohol, trans fats, refined grains etc.
– Skin care and hair products with harmful preservatives eg parabens, sodium benzoate, formaldehyde etc
B) Make healthy food choices – nutrient dense, energy rich, fresh and unprocessed foods and drink plenty of fresh water.
3) Think Well
Believe it or not stress and negativity can cause misalignment of the spine resulting in nervous system interferences.
How? When our body is stressed it releases a “fight or flight” internal secretion of a hormone called Cortisol. This hormone influences muscle tension throughout our body. When the muscles around the spine tighten, they can cause misalignment, which in turns directly impacts on the nervous system.
Think well and increase a positive mindset by:
- Surrounding yourself with positive people
- Be grateful
- Avoid negative self comparison
- Give back / help others
- Connect with nature, get lots of fresh air and sunlight
- When faced with negativity, look for the good in the situation (ie balance the negative with a positive)
Respect your symptoms
Symptoms are there to let us know there is an imbalance in our body. Rather then being quick to eliminate the symptoms with a spoonful of medicine or a tablet, seek to find the cause.
The body is more intelligent than we will ever know and these symptoms may well be there to do a job. For example, a fever occurs naturally to overheat and kill off invading bugs, viruses & bacteria. When we dampen a fever we are slowing down our natural bodily healing response. (NB Its important to stay hydrated if you have a fever).
Remember: Be empowered by the knowledge you have to help yourself rather than being fearful of the unknown and know that we at Coast Chiropractic Kawana are here to help and support you.