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By May 7, 2024Articles

She is the nourisher, the giver, the carer, the supporter … the Maternal Goddess.

Mother’s Day offers an opportunity to recognise the maternal goddesses all around us. Shower them with love, appreciation and pampering.

For those on the journey, it also offers an opportunity to honour ourselves as Mothers and do a gentle internal inquiry to see if we are thriving, merely surviving or drowning in the chaos and craziness that motherhood can bring.

We are inundated with ideas and advice on how we should Mother – whether it’s how we do pregnancy, how we birth, how we feed the family, what we clean our house with, how quickly we “bounce” back from pregnancy, how we parent, how we juggle, how we organise, how we let go, how we empty nest, how we age … the list goes on!

Our already overstimulated minds are deafened by social media, comparison and this idea of the “ideal Mum”.

All this noise moves us further away from our intuition, our inner knowing and maternal wisdom. But what if we backed ourselves a little bit more. Could the journey be more joyful, could the trust lead to increased confidence, could we find more ease?

I can reflect on my 8 years of motherhood and recognise patterns that I have “bought” from society that don’t serve me as a mother. I look at my beautiful Mum and see where her maternal role has seen herself be put second, third or at the bottom of the list for years on end. Yes, society’s expectations need to change, but equally important is the US as Mothers need to be willing to choose different ways for an even more fulfilling experience. This could create ripples of change for future generations as our children witness the shift and learn a different way to Mother or support the mother’s around them when it is their turn.

But hang on this is a Mother’s Day article honouring us – not another thing to add to the To Do List.

I hear you, but what if this is your GIFT to yourself. I invite you to explore the following areas of your Mothering life and be curious at what might bring more ease to your world. Actions aren’t as important as noticing and bringing awareness. Maybe we could start there.

Boundaries : How easy does Yes roll off your tongue? Or more importantly, how easy does NO roll off your tongue? We overschedule and over commit our lives and our children’s lives regularly and leave little time for spontaneity and just NOTHING. I am so guilty of this, and my husband will find it hilarious that I’m suggesting it to others … work in progress!!!

Self Talk : What does your internal tape have on replay? What statements are circulating “I should be this, I should be that, I should be able to do that, I shouldn’t have done that”. Be curious to hear what is on replay and then notice how that makes you feel. What could you replace it with? Do you need a prompt on your fridge or bathroom mirror? Whatever you are internally saying, every single cell in your body is listening and it sets the tone for how the cells vibrate and therefore function. Give them something to dance about!

Embrace the Chaos : It is busy. Life is busy, life is chaotic, it’s messy at times and if it’s anything like my house, it is loud. How can we lean into this more? How can we let things flow through us rather than nagging us and triggering us? We need to normalise and share the messiness of lives (not just the overflowing clothes pile) the challenges, the mistakes, the cringe Mum moments. Our circle of friends and family who support us in this madness, who welcome it and don’t flinch at it, is who we need in our corner.

Find Joy : I recently reflected on how I don’t have hobbies … aside from work, my family and friends, I don’t really have a hobby that is for me. I know many Mums who are the same. I want to hear more Mums who have hobbies that they dedicate and PRIORITISE in their lives. Getting into nature, walks with friends, belly laughing, creative hobbies … whatever it is we need to access more, and it needs to become a non-negotiable in our week.

Get Adjusted : Of course this is going to be on my list! A connected brain and body, a nervous system that is not under pressure or tension will nourish vagal nerve tone, support hormonal health, help regulate moods and many more beautiful benefits to support the Maternal Goddess.

I believe the things above can contribute positively to our health and vitality, role model good habits for our next generation and truly honour the Maternal Goddess’s we are. Most of all it’s a way of coming back to YOU, your wisdom, power and tap into the magic that is within.

Here is to more ease, more flow and more JOY.


– Ali