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By January 2, 2021January 4th, 2021Emotional Wellbeing, Lifestyle

The dawning of a new year brings with it an opportunity for a fresh perspective. It is a chance to redefine the new and reflect on the old. It often drives us to resolve to do things differently or better. Our health is often the centre of such resolutions as we tell ourselves that this is the year to get fitter, stronger, healthier, thinner etc.

I wonder what 2021 will bring us? There is a lot of mystique around this particular year with all of the unknown and the speculation that goes with that. If the global events of the past year are any indication, 2021 promises to be a HUGE year for so many people and for the world as a whole.

One thing is for sure – we are in an era of accelerating change and I think that we will see evidence of this in all aspects of life, business, politics, religion and the real big one being how we look after our health.

I believe that 2021 will reveal some huge global choices and resulting transformations.

This will require that all of us be knowledgeable and flexible in order to adapt to the change. We will have to be quick on our feet. What worked in life and in health care 10 or even 5 years ago will not work now. We must embrace the change. We must think differently and behave differently. We follow the crowd at our peril.

The precursor of any change is the dream of something better. In order for anything new to be discovered or invented there has to be an idea of the possibility of something that has not yet been realised. In any system or community the person with the biggest and clearest dream rules. It is no different with our health. The person with a clearest, most defined dream of what they want for their health and is willing to take action on it, will live their life creating the circumstances and situations that manifest that dream.

This is where the dreams and New Year’s resolutions that many people make and the committed actions to the dream that some people have, part company. The committed vision held strongly and acted on deliberately is what changes lives.

Do you have a big, committed dream for your body, relationships, family, business, occupation and life? Have you mapped a way forward to attain your dream? Do you have a plan for your diet, exercise, rest, mental state and of course a plan to optimize your nerve connection between your brain, spine and body through your chiropractic care?

When change is happening all around it is the person with the greatest ability to adapt, the greatest flexibility who will not only survive but will thrive.

Now, more than ever the messages are very clear – in 2021, get flexible in mind and body and you will thrive.

Be Brilliant,