by Dale Carnegie How to break the worry habit – before it breaks you. Worry affects everyone and descends with ease upon work, money, family life and relationships. This book offers practical strategies for breaking out of this destructive habit, before it breaks you. Dale Carnegie shows how worry has…

Stories of inspiration, healing, laughter and a lifetime of wellness Today many Australians seek regular chiropractic care. Because they know that chiropractic keeps them healthy! The book brings together information, stories and heartfelt messages from people who considered chiropractic care and then changed their lives by including chiropractic visits in…

Louise L. Hay, bestselling author, is an internationally known leader in the self-help field. Her key message is: “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.” The author has a great deal of experience and firsthand information to share about healing, including how she…

Straight Forward helps people, especially mums, to understand and resolve their health challenges. It highlights research showing how your posture affects every organ and system of your body. It also allows you to appreciate how mental stress can manifest physical symptoms. You may have tried various exercise routines and seen…

The Poo In You is your bible for effective ‘gut health’, and will help you navigate through the plethora of mis-information into an arena of knowledge that you can make a difference to your health, by cleaning up the rubbish… and putting it out for collection (so to speak). With…

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge! How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life? In the #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has trans-formed millions of…

“Every so often you come across a book with the power to transform your life – Instant Calm is such a book” Bryce Courtenay Instant Calm is about crisis control – about restoring your sense of wellbeing when things go wrong. Here, clearly described, are over a hundred of the…