What is the important stuff in your life?
I bet that yours is different from mine. We all have our own filter of how we see ourselves, those
around us and that of the world. We are governed by our values. These are values of what you
believe matter most in life. Everyone’s values are different. Let’s delve into some reasons why and
how useful it can be to know about your value system.
around us and that of the world. We are governed by our values. These are values of what you
believe matter most in life. Everyone’s values are different. Let’s delve into some reasons why and
how useful it can be to know about your value system.
Values help you find your purpose.
Do you know what you want in life? Are you feeling
like there is a void in your life?
It is difficult to know what you WANT in life if you don’t
know WHAT is important in your life. Knowing what
your values in life are help you get closer to what you
want. I have found that spending time of introspection
to determine my hierarchy of values to be beneficial
for myself. It helps me to stay on track with my
greater purpose for myself and my family.
like there is a void in your life?
It is difficult to know what you WANT in life if you don’t
know WHAT is important in your life. Knowing what
your values in life are help you get closer to what you
want. I have found that spending time of introspection
to determine my hierarchy of values to be beneficial
for myself. It helps me to stay on track with my
greater purpose for myself and my family.
Values help to guide behaviours.
In time of stress, we can often jump into our
“monkey brain” which is not always necessarily
useful. Our values can be a guiding principle for
our behaviour. They can help to guide your
actions (our behaviour) in a way that matches to
our core self. Your values enable you to reflect on
situations, too, to decide for example, if you need
to apologise for something or let a friendship
finish as they don’t align with your values.
“monkey brain” which is not always necessarily
useful. Our values can be a guiding principle for
our behaviour. They can help to guide your
actions (our behaviour) in a way that matches to
our core self. Your values enable you to reflect on
situations, too, to decide for example, if you need
to apologise for something or let a friendship
finish as they don’t align with your values.

Values help you to make decisions.
Sometimes emotions can alter our ability to
make a clear level-headed decision. When
we know our values, they can lead us
towards making the right call.
make a clear level-headed decision. When
we know our values, they can lead us
towards making the right call.
Values help us clear out the clutter.
Oh yes, I love this one! The way my family
does life is very similar to many of you.
Working mother, wife, active sporty kids,
and dog owner. I have many balls in the air
at one time. I use my value system to filter
our what is important to me and what is not.
I need to weed out the time and energy
wasting things out of my life. What make
things slightly trickier is that I’m not the only
one in my household with a value system.
We all have our own filter in how we see the
things. Often conflict will arise when other
members value system is not being
honoured. This is a great dinner table
conversation. Ask what each other’s top
three values are. If everyone is aware of
each other’s values, it may lead to a more
harmonious family life.
does life is very similar to many of you.
Working mother, wife, active sporty kids,
and dog owner. I have many balls in the air
at one time. I use my value system to filter
our what is important to me and what is not.
I need to weed out the time and energy
wasting things out of my life. What make
things slightly trickier is that I’m not the only
one in my household with a value system.
We all have our own filter in how we see the
things. Often conflict will arise when other
members value system is not being
honoured. This is a great dinner table
conversation. Ask what each other’s top
three values are. If everyone is aware of
each other’s values, it may lead to a more
harmonious family life.
Values help increase your confidence.
Identifying your values increases your level of confidence because it brings about a sense of stability
and safety to your life. Knowing what you want and being authentic to your true self will help to
bring a confidence in your life.
and safety to your life. Knowing what you want and being authentic to your true self will help to
bring a confidence in your life.
In the month of April, I am going to challenge you to identify your values system. Maybe a collective
group value audit if you will.We will have handouts available in the practice to help make this
process easier for you. Why not spend some time working out how you can be on purpose for your
group value audit if you will.We will have handouts available in the practice to help make this
process easier for you. Why not spend some time working out how you can be on purpose for your
With love and gratitude,