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The 33 Principles Series

Every month we are featuring one of the 33 Principles of Chiropractic that were published by Ralph W. Stephenson D.C. in 1927 in a book called “The Chiropractic Textbook”. Even today these principles are central to chiropractic. Whilst some of the language is a bit old the principles remain solid. Consider the principle of this month and discuss it with us when you visit the practice.

Here’s to a greater understanding of life and health.

Chiropractic Principle #26

Comparison of Universal and Innate Forces.

In order to carry on the universal cycle of life, Universal forces are destructive, and Innate forces constructive, as regards structural matter.

In Other Words…

The usual purpose of Universal force is to break down or destroy matter. Universal force is in ALL things. Innate force is in living things only; its nature is to build or positively improve upon matter. Both forces are needed to continue the greater universal cycle of life.

For Instance…

An earthquake is a destructive Universal force, being expressed through the earth’s crust (matter). The force of pressure accumulates until it surpasses the strength of the earth’s crust, breaking the crust apart.

As Applied To You…

The Innate forces behind the growth of your bones is expressed through cells in your bones’ growth plates. The job of these cells is constructive: laying down more bone. Your growth plates are opened at birth and close upon your reaching full height.


– Ralph W Stephenson D C 1927