Every month we are featuring one of the 33 Principles of Chiropractic that were published by Ralph W. Stephenson D.C. in 1927 in a book called “The Chiropractic Textbook”. Even today these principles are central to chiropractic. Whilst some of the language is a bit old the principles remain solid. Consider the principle of this month and discuss it with us when you visit the practice.
Here’s to a greater understanding of life and health.
Chiropractic Principle #25
The Character of Innate Forces.
The forces of Innate Intelligence never injure or destroy the structures in which they work.
In Other Words…
The purpose of your Innate Intelligence is to give you life. Your Intelligence does so
by expressing itself through your body, so it needs your body to be healthy! The forces of your Intelligence will therefore never work against your body.
For Instance…
You’ve hopefully never been sprayed by a skunk! But, if so, you were victim to the skunk’s defense mechanism, as created by its Intelligence. The spray will never be released within the skunk to injure the skunk himself!
As Applied To You…
So your brain can function properly, your Innate Intelligence established a range of acid-base balance, within which your blood must remain. The forces of your Intelligence will never operate such that the number is brought out of range, causing brain-damage!
– Ralph W Stephenson D C 1927