Every month we are featuring one of the 33 Principles of Chiropractic that were published by Ralph W. Stephenson D.C. in 1927 in a book called “The Chiropractic Textbook”. Even today these principles are central to chiropractic. Whilst some of the language is a bit old the principles remain solid. Consider the principle of this month and discuss it with us when you visit the practice.
Here’s to a greater understanding of life and health.
Chiropractic Principle #2
The Chiropractic Meaning Of Life.
The expression of this Intelligence through matter is the chiropractic meaning of life
In Other Words…
All matter, or “things”, are comprised of energy: atoms, vibrating at specific frequencies. “Life” is not the mere existence of matter; it is Intelligence expressed as the laws of science through matter, manifesting as a tangible object
For Instance…
An oak tree. Life is not the simple existence of the tree. How did the tree become a tree in the first place?! Via the “how to become a tree” Intelligence, scientifically expressed through the acorn. That, is Life!
As Applied To You…
What distinguishes your living body, from a corpse?! Your body has “life”: Intelligence expressed through your nervous system, controlling and coordinating the function of every cell, tissue and organ. You, become YOU! A functioning, feeling organism.