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Chiropractic Care for Kids

Chiropractic care has gained recognition for its benefits beyond just adults. Many of our practice members have utilised chiropractic care to aid and benefit their children and families. We love seeing those children enter parenthood and bring their children in for care. More parents are turning to chiropractic services for their children, seeking relief from a range of issues and promoting overall well-being. While the idea of chiropractic care for kids might seem unconventional to some, evidence and experience are showing that it can play a valuable role in a child’s health. Despite this fact, the media and various political groups continue to take aim at chiropractic care for children in Australia.

One of the primary concerns parents have is whether chiropractic care is safe for children. Chiropractors are trained to use gentle techniques tailored to each child’s age and condition. Chiropractic care for children is specifically designed to address the needs of younger ones, ensuring safety and comfort throughout the process.

In 2016 and 2019, two separate videos of infants being adjusted were posted on YouTube.

This sparked the attention of the media and Health Ministers. In March 2019 COAG Health Council had noted concerns about spinal manipulation in children and agreed to review whether public safety was at risk. In October 2019 the results of an independent study that was commissioned by the Victorian government into the safety of chiropractic care for children were released. The Safer Care Victoria Review has shown chiropractic care for children to be extremely safe. Of the 29,599 online submissions received from across Australia (the largest survey of its kind), there were no reports of harm to a child receiving chiropractic healthcare. Of those submissions, 21,824 responses were from parents who had accessed chiropractic care for their children, and there was not a single report of significant harm in these submissions. I would question if other fields of healthcare could boast those exceptional results. Dr David Cahill, who is the president of the Australian Chiropractic Association stated it is “a particularly strong endorsement, 99.6% of those parental submissions affirmed that chiropractic care benefitted their child highlighting the exemplary safety record of chiropractic healthcare,”.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s statement, “The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children,” underscores the idea that the true measure of a society’s values and ethics is reflected in how it cares for its youngest members. This perspective is particularly relevant when discussing various forms of healthcare, including chiropractic care for children.

Why It’s Important to Talk About the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Children:

  1. Holistic Approach to Health: Chiropractic care often focuses on the holistic well-being of children, emphasizing natural and non-invasive methods to support overall health. Understanding its benefits can contribute to a more comprehensive view of chiropractic care for children.
  2. Early Intervention: Discussing the benefits of chiropractic care can highlight how early interventions might address issues such as spinal misalignments or musculoskeletal problems before they develop into more serious conditions. This proactive approach may potentially improve long-term health outcomes.
  3. Informed Choices: Parents and caregivers need accurate information to make informed decisions about their children’s health. Open discussions about chiropractic care help families understand both potential benefits and risks, allowing them to choose the best options for their children’s well-being.
  4. Addressing Concerns and Misconceptions: By openly discussing chiropractic care, it becomes easier to address any misconceptions or concerns. This helps in creating a balanced view and ensuring that care provided is both safe and effective.
  5. Advancing Healthcare Practices: Engaging in discussions about various treatments, including chiropractic care, encourages continuous improvement in healthcare practices. This can lead to better integration of complementary therapies and more refined standards for paediatric care.

The Sunshine Coast is an area that is known for its vibrant and diverse character and its strong focus on local engagement and well-being. Typically, we are a thriving community that loves life. Chiropractic care is a form of health care that helps your body to do what it is designed to do and guides and coordinates bodily functions and healing processes through removing interference whether its physical, chemical or emotional reasons. Many people in our community, nationally and worldwide seek this form of healthcare. Talking about the benefits of chiropractic care for children aligns with the broader ethical imperative to ensure that all aspects of children’s health are considered and that they receive the best possible care to support their development and well-being.

I implore you to share your experience of your children and chiropractic care to your medical doctors, strangers, neighbours, and well-meaning extended family members. In recent years we have had many aspects of our lives dictated to by the government in a greater way than usual or appropriate. One might question that, despite the Safer Care Victoria review 4 years ago, which categorically proved that chiropractic care was safe for children, what is the giant elephant in the room as to why this issue is being debated again??

Politics is always about numbers. If you feel called to do so, please communicate your desire to have chiropractic care available for your children, future children and grandchildren with your local member of parliament. Please approach one of the CCK staff if you need assistance with this.

Yours In Chiropractic and Health Care Choices,
