I think that us “Chicks” are amazing and awe-inspiring creatures. As Diane Mariechild says
“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”
We have many traits that help us be leaders, healers, nurturers and all-round powerhouses of love.
We all know strong, confident women. A strong woman does not mean lifting huge weights in the gym or being super aggressive to get what you want. Nor does it demean others to empower yourself.
What are the qualities that add up to be a confidant woman?
It varies from person to person but here are 6 traits that truly confident women tend to have.
Strong women like to challenge themselves
They want to keep growing and improving. They keep pushing themselves even more and into new boundaries. They make sure that they don’t only do good, but better.
They are prepared.
We have all grown up hearing the saying ‘practice makes perfect’. We follow this message in some aspects of our lives but probably not others. Repetition can help create neural pathways which enables activities to become easier. It also builds confidence and improves the quality of the task we are doing.
The takeaway? If your frazzled because you’re always taking on tasks your unprepared for, it will be hard to appear confident. Put in the time to master the things that matter to you and you will naturally reflect this and your confidence will soar.
She takes responsibility of her emotional well-being
She knows her own worth and isn’t swayed by what another will think. She listens to advice but makes up her own mind. She also doesn’t expect someone or something to make her happy. She takes control of her own happiness.
They are organised.
Modern women juggle a LOT. Why do some women show up at work, or the gym or school with great hair, well rested and ready to tackle the day, while others are perpetually late, sleep deprived and seem unsure on where to focus their energy? The key is organisation. (Mmmm yes, I can put my hand up to say that organisation is not a strength for me….it is a work in progress!)
When I put more energy and intention on planning out our week, meal planning, household job delegation I naturally feel much calmer and more confident.
Strong women own their mistakes and learn from them.
We all make mistakes and we are all fallible. However, accepting responsibility makes learning possible. Some of my biggest a-ha moments about myself was when I failed at a task. I didn’t particularly enjoy the lesson at the time, but hind sight is a beautiful thing and helped me to grow.
They know and value the importance of self-care.
I see this in practice every single day. Women have an incredible ability to nurture, love and provide for those whom they care deeply about. This is a huge strength woman have. However, on the flip side of this selflessness is a burnt out adrenally exhausted woman. If you don’t take care of you and put yourself first, no one will. Without a system to care for our minds, bodies and spirit we have little left to give others. Women tend to be the barometer of a family. If you’re not in a state of well being, then I challenge you that it will influence those whom you love and care for.
I am inspired everyday by strong women. Unfortunately, we live in a society that does not always celebrate these character traits in women. I challenge each woman out there not to apologise for having these strengths. We have so much to offer, don’t hold back!
Yours in awesome chick-ness,