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Book Review: Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul

By September 3, 2021October 8th, 2021Book Reviews

Stories of inspiration, healing, laughter and a lifetime of wellness

Today many Australians seek regular chiropractic care.

Because they know that chiropractic keeps them healthy!

The book brings together information, stories and heartfelt messages from people who considered chiropractic care and then changed their lives by including chiropractic visits in their healthy, vibrant lifestyle.

Throughout this book, you will discover:

  • How people, who have faced incredible health challenges, have improved their lives through chiropractic
  • What to expect when you seek chiropractic care
  • What others experience with chiropractic
  • What chiropractors do
  • How chiropractic care can be an important part of a vibrant and healthy lifestyle.

While reading through this book you will recognise the importance of continued care and may be inspired to refer a friend or loved one in for chiropractic care.  If the latter, please ask us about our “Friends of CCK” special offer for people new to our office.