Habits are something that we all have. It is a tendency to behave in the same way repetitively as we have done in the past. Once the habit is established it is automatic. Habits can be effective (walking, logical thinking) or undesirable (carelessness, smoking, biting nails). Determination should be present prior…

To regain and maintain an optimum posture, firstly, be consciously aware of your posture and how you hold your body on a daily basis. It is important to know exactly if or how your posture differs from what is considered normal so that you know what to work on. From…

Poor posture can affect our lives in many different ways. Postural alterations often cause an increased load or tension within the spine, resulting in spinal misalignment that can lead to nerve interference also known as a subluxation. Muscle imbalances can occur as a result of long term postural distortions, often…

The feelings we bring home about the birth can affect our experience of parenting our new babies. If we bring home feelings of confidence, joy, and strength, our instinctive bonding is promoted with our gorgeous little ones. Our confidence in all aspects of life can soar and we can connect…

In our hectic lives we often do not stop to think about why we do the things we do or whether the things we are doing are working for us. It’s easy to get stuck in our ways and avoid change, which is a natural instinct for people. We want…