Christmas is such a great time of the year. Nothing beats celebrating the festive season with loved ones and food. It sucks when it all comes to an end and you’re a left a few kilos heavier. Don’t fall into the trap this year, whip up some awesome clean treats…
Are you suffering from bursitis of the hip? Bursitis of the hip is a common cause of hip pain. It is caused by inflammation of the bursa (a small, cushioning sac located where tendons pass over areas of bone around the joints), which lies over the prominent bone on the side…
This is absolutely positively one of the easiest and yummiest desserts of all. And considering how healthy it is and how good it tastes you will be amazed at how easy it is to convince people that healthy food can be positively indulging! Ingredients Base: 1 cup soaked almonds (soak…
The thoracic spine region refers to the part of the spine that starts just below the neck to half-way down the back. This part of the spine is sometimes neglected, which is unfortunate because it is as prone to stiffness as other parts of the spine. Having good thoracic spine…
Do you often have sore/tight legs? Using a foam roller can be a great way to help muscles recover. Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release technique which causes lactic acid and other toxins that are built up in the muscle to be released. It aides in the recovery of muscles which…
This months recipe is a delicious Strawberry Choc ‘Nice Cream’. Whip up this delicious guilt-free treat for summer! Recipe from Cooked With Love
Have you got tight calves? We have 3 simple calf stretches which you can do anywhere. 1.Calf Stretch with Towel Starting Position: Begin seated in a chair or on a firm surface. Extend one leg and place a towel around ball of foot and grasp with both hands. Movement:…
This delicious recipe for Paleo Banana Pancakes is a super easy and healthy recipe has been supplied by Cooked With Love. Enjoy! (and don’t forget to sign up for the free eBook!)
Starting Position: Begin seated or standing. Interlock fingers and reach toward ceiling, extending both arms. Movement: Press palms upward, attempting to straighten arms fully. Once arms are fully extended, lean to the side. Hold for 5-10 seconds.