Unprecedented, uncertainty, pandemic….. Are words that are common in our vernacular now. The world and our community are experiencing changes like we never have before. Some are viewing these changes as a gift, while others feel like their world has been up ended.
I have spoken to people who had to shut their business overnight due to the governments directives and fearing they will be unable to put food on their table and then others whom life has slowed down and given them a chance to breathe and rest. There are those whose work life balance has gone to the other end of the spectrum and they feel “busier” then ever before and would love to be given the permission to stay at home and do nothing. Where do you fit into this scenario ?
It feels poignant to talk about how we can nurture ourselves during this time. What can we be doing to develop ourselves and those whom we care about? In times of crisis, it is common to hear of people and / or businesses who thrive and grow under the pressure. Will that be you?
The “Triad of Health” is spoken about often in our practice and I know that I have addressed this concept before, however, I believe more now than ever we have been given the opportunity to stop and look within. I mean REALLY stop. All that white noise and perception of “busy” have been stripped away for most people. I know I cannot generalise about this. I know there are mums and dads out there that are up to their eyeballs with children (young and older) and those of you who are not seeing your elderly parents or grandchildren and are feeling that separation viscerally.
Let’s look at some of the ways we can nurture ourselves in all areas of this triad.
Emotional / Spiritual
1. Meditation has been a gift to me during this time of uncertainty. I was experiencing fear and recognising some fear based behaviours in myself and being alone with my thoughts in meditation helped me to acknowledge the space that I was in and realising that it was not serving me well to stay in that space. Try adding meditation into your day. The breathing that we tend to do in meditation helps to calm our nervous system into more rest, digest and repair. BONUS !
2. Connect with your friends, family and children. Those of us in the same house are getting LOADS of time together. Spending time just being with each other without rushing can be great. It may also identify some communication issues that have been festering under the surface and not addressed when life is “normal”. Is now a good time to work on this ? I have heard anecdotally that when Wuhan (China) lifted their lock down policies, the line to the office to lodge divorce claims went around the corner !
3. Our lives and our children’s lives have been tipped upside down. Our normal has been changed and that triggers our primitive brain to react. Our amygdala just keeps registering there is a still a threat to our survival. Our job as the grown-ups, especially those who are parents is to be the big safe people that our children lean on during times of stress and uncertainty. Try lots of cuddles, books, board games, bike rides, baking and yes there will be heaps more screen time. Let’s face it fellow parents, this 24/7 gig with our gorgeous kids is a challenge in itself. Breathe, try and increase the laughter factor and put on the digital babysitter if you need a break to nurture yourself too!
Nutritional / Chemical
1. If your household is anything like mine, then the food is often forefront in everyone’s mind. There are thoughts of what the next meal will be even before we have completed the current one. Cook nutritious food. Spend time trying new recipes. Try to make your own sauerkraut or kombucha. Put the bone broth on and get into the joy of slow cooking.
2. Winter is coming. Prepare your bodies nutritionally to support yourself through the typical immune challenging season. Ask your chiropractor for an individualised approach to support yourself.
Structural /Physical
1. Move your body. I can’t be any plainer than that. Don’t spend all day on the couch Netflixing. We are seeing more people who are doing less movement than before the restrictions because they are out of routine, and the business, they attended for workouts is shut.
2. If working or schooling from home, please set up your area so its ideal for you. Don’t spend hours in one spot, get up and move. Standing at the kitchen bench with your laptop on some cookbooks may work for you. Have a loved one observe your setup and tweak it if required.
3. Getting out of the house, doing some exercise and getting some sunshine will help in all three areas of the triad.
4. Get adjusted. Movement in to your body and nervous system through adjustments is essential and will help calm your nervous system to be in a proactive state instead of reactive one. If you have not made phone or physical contact with our practice since the restrictions have been in place, then let me assure you that we have initiated many strategies within our practice.
These include:
- Hygiene precautions (including table cleaning and hand sanitiser).
- Social distancing within the practice
- Single adjusting room that has private external access to the practice (call prior to your appointment to organise).
- Options to wait in your car and be called when you can directly access your adjusting area and decrease your contact time in the practice.
All of us are dealing with this time in our own way through our own perception filters. I am always mindful that some people find that they are weathering the storm like it’s a sun shower and others feel like they are in cyclonic conditions. Kindness, love and empathy to others are the biggest gift to humanity right now.
Love yourself and each other