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The 33 Principles Series

Every month we are featuring one of the 33 Principles of Chiropractic that were published by Ralph W. Stephenson D.C. in 1927 in a book called “The Chiropractic Textbook”. Even today these principles are central to chiropractic. Whilst some of the language is a bit old the principles remain solid. Consider the principle of this month and discuss it with us when you visit the practice.

Here’s to a greater understanding of life and health.

Chiropractic Principle #20

Innate Intelligence.

A “living thing” has an inborn intelligence within its body, called Innate Intelligence.

In Other Words…

There’s a limit to what we’ll ever know about the body. Only your Innate Intelligence knows everything; it had the know-how to create you, and now keeps you alive via everything it does, every second of every day! It made your physical body and now lives inside of it, adapting you to stress, so you can be YOU.

For Instance…

How does a bird know now to build its nest? Through bird school? Silly! A bird is born knowing how to build its nest. THAT is the work of the bird’s Innate Intelligence; it created the bird with this knowledge and ability. A human would never do as good a job!

As Applied To You…

Your heart beats from the moment it’s created. We may understand the science behind it, but how does your heart simply know on its own?! By your Innate Intelligence, which created your heart already with the “instructions”. No heart school necessary!


-Ralph W Stephenson D C 1927