These 4 exercises are a great way to open up your chest and activate your back muscles.
Having chest muscles which are tight can often limit mobility and impact your posture.
Doing these exercises regularly will help your shoulders, back, chest and improve your posture. You might also find that opening up your chest will activate your brain and give you energy!
Try these 4 chest and back exercises for the month and see the results!
1. Standing Blackburn Y
Starting Position: Begin standing with feet about hip width apart. Arms should be extended to sides at 10 and 2 o’clock positions. Have hands oriented with palms face up.
Movement: Activate core muscles. While maintaining good posture, draw arms and shoulders back squeezing shoulder blades together. Elbows should remain straight. A stretch may be felt in chest and front of shoulder. Do not allow shoulders to raise upward. Neck muscles should remain relaxed. Hold for 5 seconds.
2.Standing Blackburn T
Starting Position: Begin standing with feet about hip width apart. Arms should be extended to sides at shoulder level. Have hands oriented with palms face up.
Movement: Activate core muscles. While maintaining good posture, draw arms and shoulders back squeezing shoulder blades together. Elbows should remain straight. A stretch may be felt in chest and front of shoulder. Do not allow shoulders to raise upward. Neck muscles should remain relaxed. Hold for 5 seconds.
3.Standing W Scapular Retraction
Starting Position: Begin standing in good posture. Shoulders should be back and head up. Raise and bend arms so that elbows are near shoulder level.
Movement: While maintaining good posture, draw shoulders back squeezing shoulder blades together. A stretch may be felt in chest and front of shoulder. Do not allow shoulders to raise upward. Hold for 5-10 seconds.
4.Quadruped Trunk Rotation
Starting Position: Begin on your hands and knees with your head and back in a straight position. Hands should be under your shoulders, hips directly above knees.
Movement: Activate core muscles. Rotate upper body, extending arm upward. Knees should remain in contact with floor during entire movement. Try to maintain a straight spine, avoiding excessive rounding or arching of the low back. Slowly return to start position.