Every month we are featuring one of the 33 Principles of Chiropractic that were published by Ralph W. Stephenson D.C. in 1927 in a book called “The Chiropractic Textbook”. Even today these principles are central to chiropractic. Whilst some of the language is a bit old the principles remain solid. Consider the principle of this month and discuss it with us when you visit the practice.
Here’s to a greater understanding of life and health.
Chiropractic Principle #5
The Perfection of the Triune
In order to have 100% Life, there must be 100% Intelligence, 100% Force, 100% Matter.
In Other Words…
Since all are intertwined, less than 100% of one, means less than 100% of all, and less than 100% of life. Intelligence and force are always at 100%; the trouble begins with matter. Matter becomes less than 100% when damaged by environmental forces or through poor lifestyle choices.
For Instance…
A garden hose. The Intelligence of water is 100%. The force moving water through the hose is also 100%. What if the hose is kinked? A limitation of matter has been created: the amount of water reaching your flowers dips below 100%.
As Applied To You…
Your body’s Intelligence is 100%. The forces within your body are 100%. What, then, decreases life below 100%? A subluxation. A spinal subluxation creates a limitation of matter : the messages traveling through your nerves, telling your body how to function, become compromised.