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Foam Roller Exercises for Your Legs

By September 9, 2016September 16th, 2016Posture Improvement

Do you often have sore/tight legs? Using a foam roller can be a great way to help muscles recover.

Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release technique which causes lactic acid and other toxins that are built up in the muscle to be released. It aides in the recovery of muscles which are prone to being overactive (such as legs).

This month we have 4 simple foam roller exercises which will help with sore legs.


Iliotibial Band (ITB) Foam Roll Myofascial Release

Starting Position: Lie on side, supporting upper body with elbow positioned directly underneath shoulder. Place foam roll under outside of thigh and cross opposite leg over so that foot is firmly on floor.

Movement: Slowly move foam roll throughout outer thigh, from hip to knee as tolerated, for a duration of 1 to 2 minutes. Maintain consistent pressure with foam roll. If a painful area is found, stop rolling and REST on the area for 10 seconds as tolerated, then continue. Rest and repeat for prescribed repetitions and sets. Alternate sides as directed.



Adductor Foam Roll Myofascial Release

Starting Position: Lie face down. Bend left knee and place foam roll under inner thigh. Support body weight with opposite leg and both forearms.

Movement: Slowly move foam roll on inner thigh, as tolerated, for a duration of 1 to 2 minutes. Maintain consistent pressure with foam roll. If a painful area is found, stop rolling and REST on the area for 10 seconds as tolerated, then continue. Rest and repeat for prescribed repetitions and sets. Alternate sides as directed.



Hamstring Foam Roll Myofascial Release

Starting Position: Begin seated on floor, legs extended with foam roll under hamstrings. Hands should be placed at sides, supporting body. Cross one leg over the other.

Movement: Lift hips off floor. Gently move foam roll throughout hamstrings, as tolerated, for a duration of 1 to 2 minutes. Maintain consistent pressure with foam roll. If a painful area is found, stop rolling and REST on the area for 10 seconds as tolerated, then continue. Rest and repeat for prescribed repetitions and sets. Alternate sides as directed.

Glute Medius Foam Roll Myofascial Release

Starting Position: Lie on side, supporting upper body with elbow positioned directly underneath shoulder. Place foam roll under upper thigh above hip bone. Cross opposite leg over so that foot is firmly on floor.

Movement: Slowly move foam roll up and down along side of hip, as tolerated, for a duration of 1 to 2 minutes. Maintain consistent pressure with foam roll. If a painful area is found, stop rolling and REST on the area for 10 seconds as tolerated, then continue. Rest and repeat for prescribed repetitions and sets. Alternate sides as directed.