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Simple stretches for tight calves

By August 23, 2016October 28th, 2016Posture Improvement

Have you got tight calves?

We have 3 simple calf stretches which you can do anywhere.



1.Calf Stretch with Towel

Starting Position: Begin seated in a chair or on a firm surface. Extend one leg and place a towel around ball of foot and grasp with both hands.

Movement: While maintaining good sitting posture, extend leg fully as arms pull towel until gentle stretch is felt in calf muscle. Hold for recommended duration.


2.Standing Calf Stretch

Starting Position: Begin standing with leg to be stretched extended behind body. Leg should be straight with heel on ground.

Movement: Slowly lean forward, putting weight onto front leg while maintaining straight leg and heel-floor contact. A gentle stretch should be felt in upper calf muscle. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on opposite side.


3.Soleus Calf Muscle Stretch

Starting Position: Begin standing with leg to be stretched extended behind body facing wall. Leg should be straight with heel flat on floor.

Movement: Bend front knee slightly slowly setting hips back allowing rear leg to bend while maintaining heel-floor contact. A gentle stretch should be felt in lower calf muscle. Hold for 20-30 seconds.