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More on Posture

By July 12, 2011April 26th, 2016Articles, Posture Improvement

Poor posture can affect our lives in many different ways. Postural alterations often cause an increased load or tension within the spine, resulting in spinal misalignment that can lead to nerve interference also known as a subluxation.

Muscle imbalances can occur as a result of long term postural distortions, often resulting in weakened muscles that are more likely to become strained when vigorous activities are performed.

Our posture can also have a large effect on our emotions. Having our back rounded and head hanging down and forward with our shoulders rolling in represents feelings such as apathy, sadness, loneliness, fear and a lack of self worth. Holding our head high, shoulders back and standing tall represents feelings of happiness, enthusiasm, confidence and focus. By focusing on correcting our posture we can have a positive effect on our emotions.

Postural alterations result in biomechanical changes in the spine. This means that weight is not distributed evenly throughout the spine, but rather specific areas hold more weight or tension.